16x2 LCD Display The LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) a 16x2 means it can display 16 characters per line and there are 2 such lines, in his LCD each character is displayed in a 5x7 pixel matrix. A register select (RS) pin that controls were in the LCDs memory you're writing data to A Read/Write (R/W) pin that selects reading mode or writing mode An Enable pin that enables writing to the registers 8 data pins (D0-D7) . The states of these pins (high or low)are the bits that you're writing to a register when you write or the values you're reading when you read there is also a display contrast pin (v0), power supply pins (+5v and Gnd ), and LED backlight (+a,-k) pins that you can use to power the LCD, control the display contrast and turn on and off the LED backlight, respectively the Liquid Crystal Library <LiquidCrystal.h> Interfacing 16x2 LCD...